Lifting an object off the ground appears to
be a simple task for most people. It’s one we do every day typically without a
second thought. Clients at Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC share these kinds
of stories daily about how difficult
it is to pick something up off the ground or how reaching
for a simple pencil up off the ground triggered the
worst back pain. Our La Grande chiropractic patients share
common stories like this! Strengthening the quads with exercise as part of our chiropractic services, and lifting slowly and
with a few tips in mind can potentially limit stress on the spine.
When it comes to posture, lifting is a notorious risk factor for
low back pain. Lifting techniques like the stoop/lifting with the back,
squat/lifting with the legs, and semi-squat/a mix of the other two are well-studied.
Squat lifting seems to be the one most report is optimal. One group
of researchers presented some odd findings
though: squat lift training did not prevent low back
pain and stoop lifting isn’t a risk factor for low back pain. How
do these two findings contribute to the
discussion of suitable lifting for back pain
prevention and management? They proposed that the lifting
posture right for each person must be personalized
as each lifting posture offers its own biomechanical and kinematic
patterns for muscle activation making particular lifting
postures better for particular patients.
Researchers explained that stoop lifting was more
metabolically efficient and less challenging to the cardiopulmonary system. This
set of researchers also recommended working with
each individual client on the proper lifting technique appropriate
for his/her body and lifting situation following the “calm tissue
down, build tissue up, improve work capacity” system. (1) Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC usually
looks at each of our La Grande chiropractic patients and presents
ideas on managing and preventing back pain with exercise and other approaches.
There are a few methods
that may help us all when lifting. A special lifting trick
referred to as BATT (a braced arm to thigh, one-handed lifting
method to retrieve objects with the dominant hand) substantially reduced
low back loading while lifting items of 2 to 10 kg. Trunk flexion
angles were significantly reduced. Compressive and anterior-posterior
shear forces were significantly lower as well contrasted
with unsupported lifting techniques. (2) That is an easy lifting
tip we know our La Grande chiropractic clients|we can all do! Lifting
slowly is another idea that is said to
lower loads on the lumbar spinal elements.
Stoop lifting had a larger lumbar spine lordosis range of motion
and created lower total and compressive lumbar loads than squat
lifting (except at L5S1 where anterior shear loads were greater) and
freestyle lifting. (3) Therefore slow down when lifting. Use your quads to squat lift.
(If they’re not very strong, let’s talk about strengthening them!)
CONTACT Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC
Listen to this PODCAST
with Dr. Tyler Lomnicki on The Back Doctors Podcast with
Dr. Michael Johnson as he discusses treatment of
a man with a disc herniation among other issues for which The
Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management of spinal manipulation assisted in his relief.
Schedule your La Grande chiropractic appointment
with Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC today. When effortless tasks like lifting objects
off the floor become difficult, know that
Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC is ready to help find a way to make them
better and troublefree for you and your spine!
"This information and website content is not intended to diagnose, guarantee results, or recommend specific treatment or activity. It is designed to educate and inform only. Please consult your physician for a thorough examination leading to a diagnosis and well-planned treatment strategy. See more details on the
DISCLAIMER page. Content is reviewed by
Dr. James M. Cox I."