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La Grande Neck Pain Helped by Stretching

Everything has its role. Everything satisfies a need. In managing neck pain, stretching and spinal mobilization have their roles in treating the pain, disability and range of motion dysfunction. They are needed. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC treats many La Grande neck pain sufferers to restore their lost range of motion due to pain. Stretching is recently found to be particularly beneficial and can be a helpful adjunct to the chiropractic treatment plan. 


Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC incorporates spinal manipulation and mobilization, nutrition, exercise, and research-suggested stretching in the overall treatment plan for neck pain be it non-specific mechanical neck pain or cervical spine radiculopathy. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC uses The Cox® Technic System for Spinal Pain Management to address neck pain. [[A|In one]17] study, Cox® Technic protocols produced complete resolution of the patient’s subjective pain due to a large C5-C6 disc herniation. (1) In a retrospective study of 39 patients with cervical radiculopathy, Cox® flexion distraction delivered pain reduction in 13.2 treatments (range 6 to 37). (2) A newer paper states that for non-specific mechanical neck pain, the incorporation of stretching to the plan was more helpful at improving cervical spine motions of extension, right rotation and lateral flexion ranges of motion without affecting pain and disability. (3) That is where spinal manipulation and mobilization come into play. They help address the pain and disability component. Adding stretching and active cervical range of motion exercise is beneficial and has its role in treating neck pain. A well-rounded treatment plan for neck pain relief is important! Another research project further stated that neck stretching is a most helpful physical therapy intervention.  Static and diagonal active stretching were helpful at reducing neck disability and increasing cervical spine range of motion. Further, cervical range of motion values significantly rose at 4 and 6 to 8 weeks [[post-after the ]59] study indicating positive long-term effects of stretching for neck pain, disability, and function. (4) Keeping up with the neck pain relief studies, Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC makes certain to share benefits of a variety of ways to reduce neck pain.

CONTACT Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC

Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. Sean Delahunt on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he discusses his use of Cox® Technic Flexion Distraction to ease neck and arm pain.

Set up your La Grande chiropractic appointment now. Everyone has a place at Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC, especially our La Grande neck pain and back pain patients where everything has a place – treatment, exercise, nutrition, and stretching – in reducing neck pain. 

 Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC incorporates spinal manipulation, nutrition and exercise to improve neck pain, especially stretching.
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