You have surely heard of the bulging disc or protruding disc or slipped disc, all terms that hurt just to hear them. The appropriate term for these types of herniated discs is a "contained disc".
Although uncommon, a small percent of thoracic discs may herniate and cause pain.
The "contained disc" is a herniated disc in which the nucleus pulposus (the center of the disc) is contained within the anulus fibrosis (the outer layers of the disc).
Since the anulus fibrosus is very pain sensitive, a contained disc causes back pain and, if the contained disc presses on a spinal nerve, may cause radiating pain into the ribs and side in front of the chest.
Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC follows a careful examination routine to not miss any symptom or sign that points to the correct diagnosis of your thoracic spine pain.
Thoracic Spine Exam Description
In office, Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC uses Cox Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression. You will welcome the Cox Technic manipulation that gently "pulls you apart," as many patients describe the treatment or say they need. Cox Technic opens the spinal canal space, increases the disc height, and drops intradiscal pressure to alleviate your pain.
Goal of Cox Technic for Thoracic Spine Pain Relief
The disc is pressing on the nerve. Note that as the disc herniation reduces, the pinched nerve is relieved.
This is an animation of the goal of Cox Technic
Flexion-Distraction and Decompression: reduced irritation of spinal elements
enough to relieve pain and help you regain your quality of life. The amount of
decrease in size of the herniated disc necessary for pain relief varies from 0%
to 100% for each individual patient.
Cox Technic Thoracic Spine Treatment
At Home Care
At home, Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC may recommend hot/cold therapy, exercise or modification of your sleeping or working environment.
Contact Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC for a treatment plan to relieve your contained thoracic disc herniation pain.