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The Spinal Connections: Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC Offers Spinal Manipulation Which Shows Lower Limb Strength Improvement

It is all connected. The spine, the hips, the knees, the legs, the feet, the toes. In newer published articles, the connection between spinal manipulation and the relief of lower limb pain and weakness  in addition to imbalance are explored. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC has seen such relief. The research adds to the discussion with such La Grande chiropractic patients that there is hope for their condition.


La Grande chiropractic patients come to Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC with typically one pain issue and do not even notice other issues until we find them together via the spinal exam. We are often detectives together! The chiropractic examination can discover clues to the condition at hand, clues that frequently are sore or weak and, thankfully, also resolve with chiropractic treatment. Lower limb weakness is manytimes disregarded by back and leg pain patients. Pain is the attention-getter. One study reported that a single spinal manipulation improved muscle strength (for a half hour) and corticospinal excitability (for 60 minutes) to ankle plantar flexor muscles in Taekwondo athletes. (1) Another paper of spinal manipulation’s effect on lower limb strength of healthy people showed immediate boost in muscle strength after just one session. The chiropractic spinal manipulation treatment helps ease the pain and increase the lower limb weakness. The effect is reported to be immediate with only one spinal manipulation. For patients who experience hip and knee weakness yet otherwise healthy, the strength improvement is even larger. (2) Patients at Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC have noticed just such improvement!


Other La Grande chiropractic patients with limb imbalances for whom one leg seems stronger than the other have found relief with their La Grande chiropractic spinal manipulation, too. They may know they have it or don’t realize it until we go through the exam jointly. Once discovered, limb strength imbalances of at least 15% in hip flexion, extension, abduction or knee flexion treated with spinal manipulation got better compared to placebo treatment. These strength improvements were noted after just one lumbar spine manipulation session. (3) Spinal mobilization improved hip flexor strength and performance in asymptomatic young adults. (4) These are positive results for our La Grande chiropractic patients!

CONTACT Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC

Listen to this PODCAST by Dr. Kim Lombardy on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson as he explains how he helped a patient with hip pain after a hip replacement surgery to relieve the hip pain. His care with the Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management got the job done.

Schedule your next La Grande chiropractic care appointment with Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC. Come find out how spinal manipulation may better your spine, hip and knee pain and weakness, back pain, and more! It’s time for you to experience the healing connection!

Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC helps patients who experience back pain and lower limb weakness that accompanies back pain.  
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