Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC shares newer findings on the benefits
of chondroitin sulfate beyond the disc: knee, osteoarthritis, TMJ, and exercise
induced muscle damage.
Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC shares some tips for building healthy habits
in the summer that can boost a person’s physical, psychological,
and nutritional states!
Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC shares some recent studies on
the benefits of strawberries for insulin resistance, dementia, and
cardiovascular disease.
/doctor/chiropractor/chiropractic-La-Grande/the-treatment-plan/the-treatment-plan-overviewPaulette Hugulet, DC, LLC shares a recent case of neck pain and arm
pain linked to Vitamin B12 deficiency.
Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC points out the benefits of
drinking green tea for overall health and more specifically for pain
Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC shares new studies on the
anti-inflammatory nutrients like frankincense that bolster the
immune system to fight acute illness and even prevent chronic.
Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC explains new research about
the benefits of the Mediterranean Diet for neurodegenerative disease and
Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC shares new studies touting
the benefits of peppermint for cognition, memory, and appetite regulation.
Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC shares new studies touting
the benefits of the Mediterranean diet for lowering risk of osteoporosis, fracture
risk, and cognitive decline.
Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC shares new studies about the
nutrition of fall’s healthy pumpkin: anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety,
antioxidant, antidiabetic, antiviral, and more!