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Vitamin C (and E) Builds Bone

So what vitamin comes to mind when you think about bone health? Calcium? Vitamin D? Those are pretty renowned pro-bone vitamins! Bone is complex though. Its health is dependent on a mix of nutrients like vitamin C and vitamin E and calcium and vitamin D, etc. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC shares some fundamental details about how vitamins C and E help build bone. La Grande men and women find benefit for their bones with the right mix of nutrients!
vitamin c & e for bone health image

First, vitamin C. Post-menopausal and vitamin D deficient women’s bone  mineral density benefits from vitamin C. Researchers even go so far as to say that poor vitamin C intake puts post-menopausal women at risk of osteoporosis. (1) There is enough osteoporosis in La Grande as it is, so be sure you are taking your vitamin C.

How much vitamin C helps bone? A study shares that 1,000 mg of ascorbic acid together with 400 IU of alpha-tocopherol could be useful in preventing or helping in the treatment of age-related osteoporosis. (2) So how is ascorbic acid related to vitamin C? Ascorbic acid is a natural occurring antioxidant compound that we humans don’t produce. Odd! So we need to get it from our diets. (3) And what about alpha-tocopherol? It’s the strongest tocopherol - a most easily absorbed antioxidant and protector of cell membranes - called vitamin E. (4) So our La Grande chiropractic patients will want to check their intakes of vitamins E and C especially if they have osteoporosis.

How does vitamin C help bone? Studies show that low intake of vitamin C relates to bone loss, leading to osteoporosis. The good news is that that vitamin C protects the skeleton by preventing bone loss and promoting growth. (5) Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC has to promote vitamin C more!

And how does all this relate to back pain? A lack of vitamin C promotes degenerative disc disease. As we age, the vitamin C we do take – which is usually lower, too – doesn’t get around the body as well. Then, degenerative spine disease ensues along with defective connective tissue because of a reduction of collagen synthesis which is essential for spine stability. Whew! What a cycle! Then add in the tissue inflammation that accompanies degenerative disc disease, and the demand for even more vitamin C increases to combat the inflammation. (6) So vitamin C is an important part of bone health and spine health. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC will help La Grande chiropractic patients figure out just the right amount of vitamin C to take a day to protect and promote bone.

So contact Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC. Set up a La Grande consultation to discuss a chiropractic care treatment plan for your spinal and bone health that will certainly include spinal manipulation as well as nutrition.

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