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Whose Spine is Curvier - Male or Female? Chiropractic Cares for Both!

 So who looks curvier? Men or women?
 image of man and woman

Women…and that’s not just a matter of opinion! It’s a matter of physiology. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC see spines all day long. Each gender – male and female – present its own unique set of circumstances for care and relief of back pain and neck pain. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC has the experience and understanding of the human spine to be the La Grande chiropractic back pain specialty practice to turn to when back pain and neck pain appear.

Now, in keeping with the theme here, the curviness of a spine isn’t good or bad. It just is. There is reason for its shape. For the women, the curvier lower lumbar spine likely developed over time to accommodate and reduce the stress on the vertebral elements of the spine during pregnancy and nursing. (1) Now, the spines of men and women may appear a little different, but they both curve inward similarly forming the lordosis curve. However, the upper part of a woman’s lumbar spine curve leans back a little further than a man’s. (1) Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC so enjoys spinal curves…most of the time.

Sometimes, though, a hyperkyphotic spine walks into this La Grande chiropractic back pain clinic to excite the day! Interestingly, it seems more research articles discuss it in relation to women. (There’s that curvier spines in women theme!) But research also states that 20% to 40% of the population (men and women) – more common in the geriatric population – experience hyperkyphosis. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC sees both men and women with this condition. Now, hyperkyphosis  is the excessive curvature of the thoracic spine and may be associated with adverse health effects. It stems from a variety of issues like degenerative changes in the spine, vertebral compression fractures, muscular weakness, and changed biomechanics. It’s not a surprise then that hyperkyphosis is more commonly seen in older patients. So Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC further looks for compromised physical function, pain and disability, decreased pulmonary function and increased risk of mortality when hyperkyphosis presents itself as these issues are often associated with it. (2) Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC doesn’t just care for the spine; Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC cares for the whole body. So what is typically done for hyperkyposis? Surgery is rare as surgical risks are higher in the elderly population who more commonly have hyperkyphosis, but it may be done for significant deformity. Nonoperative management may slow its progression and improve function though. (ailon) Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC’s chiropractic treatment in the form of Cox Technic is gentle and comforting.

So do curves matter? Sure. Which ones? Any that cause trouble. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC is experienced and ready to manage spinal curves. Contact Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC today for a complete spinal examination. The La Grande chiropractic care here appreciates men’s and women’s spines equally!

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