Darn your disc!
Not darn your disc in a humiliating kind of way way, but in a healing and fixing and repairing way!
Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC is all about curing the spinal disc. For those La Grande back pain and neck pain sufferers, the disc is a pain. If you have back pain, we're sure you agree. The intervertebral disc is the cartilage material between the vertebral bones of your spine. The disc is the shock absorber, the cushion to keep bones from grinding on each other. The healthy disc keeps us tall. The unhealthy, degenerated disc shrinks us. Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC offers a La Grande non-surgical treatment plan which involves nutritional supplementation to reduce back pain due to unhealthy discs.
Glycosaminoglycan is a component of aggrecan, a major component of the disc’s make-up. Loss of aggrecan impairs the disc function and leads to disc degeneration. Granted disc degeneration due to aggregan loss is a long process, for some as long as decades. But Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC grabs onto the possibility that the degenerative process may be stopped or slowed at least by restoring the aggrecan, via feeding the disc with nutrients that it needs via supplementation. (1) Further, researchers report that glucosamine lessens the decrease of aggrecan and even prevents the death of nucleus pulposus (the center part of the disc) cells. (2)
So the poor disc has a big job. It holds the bones apart despite being compressed by the two bones. That’s its job. It has to withstand a large compressive load all day long. So don’t “darn” your disc when it hurts. Feed it. Rest it. Darn it with supplementation. Get it the La Grande chiropractic care it needs. Contact Dr. Paulette Hugulet, DC, LLC today.